Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oes Tsetnoc Buzz Growing In SERP

I don’t really know why this happen lately, yet if you have a time to see it in Google SERP, Oes Tsetnoc buzz is growing. It’s so different compared to last week. As I remember, there were only around 150k results at that time. However, now it’s more than 200k. What’s the matter? Although I can’t answer it surely, but in my opinion, it’s all because the time left for this SEO contest is getting smaller. I think, there will only a month an active time to optimize it. So, whoever, especially thos who join it, will try anything to boost their SERP.

Although Oes Tsetnoc buzz is growing in SERP, but I am still lucky today. My main entry still exist in the big four. Even, once in this morning, I can see it in the third position. Considering that this situation makes an optimization becomes harder than ever, now I must make routine update in every dummies I have. This to ensure Google bot visiting mine regularly. And hopefully, he will take mine as the best page at the moment till the final day come.

Anyway, apart from the simple news about oes tsetnoc buzz that is growing in SERP above, now I am joining another local SEO contest too. It’s entitled kerja keras adalah energi kita. Sadly, it’s stuck in 6th place. So if you have any blogs that are having space to support it, please do that as soon as possible guys. I really need your help today. Will you?
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