Monday, January 12, 2009

Keywords according the Yellow Blog

Following my writing is actually inspired by a blogger who is more senior than me: Berry Devanda: Blog Yellow. Thanks boss on the idea. No offense! Just trying to share ideas and thoughts:)

And I hope my writing is also following the movement should not be misconstrued as Yellow Pro Blog. Tau Blog Yellow? I also just heard: P Please visit the link above. This paper is a draft and realized that I had promised: Behind-style keyword Robber shot.

Shoot keywords with words that are less educated (for the time being let's say so) is a quick look less intelligent. By utilizing the high trend categories in search engines such as m * sum, lanj * t * ng, b # gil, m * iyab #, a blog such as eliminating the intellect factor for traffic.

Yeah, right. Keywords on the potential to raise the position of a blog on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). A good position would be increased traffic. Good traffic will increase Pagerank and Alexa (cmiiw). For what? Start the miners Dollar through blogs, this is important and coveted: P

Must we tolerate that a lot of motivation when people decide to start blogging. Most of course want to make writing good and useful for others. Some looking for $ $ $. And one step (simple but effective) is taken to boost the ranking blogs with keywords in the shot above.

We come to the core of this paper. Note, I really do not agree if the blog that shot above keywords, as well as include picture, video or link. This does not make the Yellow Blog category, but Blog Porno. And what about blogs that shot keywords without images and video, is not it too embarrassing?

Okay. Let's get out of the box thinking narrowly. Narrow in the sense meaning of a word that even though the intellect is not visible. Why keyword with the above categories are potentially boost traffic?
Yeah, right. The law of demand and supply. Request pages containing those keywords is very high on search engines. And please be sad, knowing that the request came from big cities in Indonesia are known as pockets of education.
To prove able to use Google Trends. And we also know that the age range of fans with keyword pages had an average age of adolescents / youth who became the hope of this nation. Pathetic is not it?

So what to do with the Yellow Blogs? There! Just imagine if you search with keywords such as on top of all concerned in the Yellow Blog. Imagine also if the top 10 search result pages were dominated by Yellow Blog. And they only see pages that contain the keywords but do not get what they are looking like a picture or video. They were disappointed and survivors of dilapidation. In this case, it is not the Yellow Blog has contributed to saving the youth of this nation from moral destruction?

I'm just trying to see the positive side of the activity of boosting traffic by keywords as above. I'm just trying to see things from different angles to get the values of learning. Let's learn together:)
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