Saturday, February 28, 2009


Every time I launch a new website I try to come up with an overall traffic strategy, not just an SEO strategy. Why? Because traffic is where the money is! Most times, an SEO strategy will take 3-6 months to start seeing rankings and start building a considerable amount of traffic… The truth is I want money now! And I am sure that you do to!
Because search engine optimization is a long term strategy, you need to develop short term strategies as well. I use Blog & Twitter Contests to boost search engine rankings, skyrocket website traffic, grow my customer base, and increase the number of sales through my site.
To run a Blog or Twitter contest effectively, you will need to follow the steps below. I will go into each one in detail:
1.Determine a prize(s) to give away
2.Decide how people can enter the contest
3.Build awareness
4.Set rules & launch
5.End and announce the winner(s)
The very first thing that needs to happen when planning a contest is to determine a prize or multiple prizes to give away to the contestants. These prizes can be anything from free services that you or your company offers all the way to gift cards from Amazon or other businesses.
Second, you need to decide how people will enter your contest. I have run promotions requiring either a Tweet or a blog post to enter the contest. You also need to decide if you want to give away multiple entries for other things like blogging about the contest or company and linking to the company from their website.
Gaining entries into this type of a contest should have two purposes. One to promote your name or company to potential customers, and two, to help build links back to your website. Keeping these two goals in mind throughout your planning process will keep things going in the right direction.
Third, you need to figure out how to announce the contest and build interest in what you are doing. You can do this by guest blogging on industry specific blogs and announcing your contest. You can ask friends or other business contacts to talk about it on their sites. You can Tweet about it and announce it on Facebook. The options of gaining publicity are limitless, and this step is crucial if you are planning a successful contest. It may be a good idea to have frequent updates and announcements on how the contest is going. This creates more opportunities for additional contestants, customers and links.
Fourth, you need to establish a set of rules that you and contestants are going to abide by. Some details that should be included in these rules are: an established launch date, an end date,  ways you can enter the contest and how/when the winner will be announced. After the rules are laid out, it is time to launch the contest!
Last, you need to end the contest when you say you will. You should then pick a winner, announce that they won, and award them the prize.
Many times, it is a good idea to follow up the contest with a blog post thanking everyone for their participation and congratulating the winners. If the contest went well and you would like to do it again in the future, you might also mention that you will run another contest in a few months and to check back for more details.
Well folks, that is how to set up and execute a blog or Twitter contest.
We are currently running a Twitter contest for one of our clients, If you would like to visit their contest page and see how it was organized, please do so here.
They are giving away three web hosting packages so you can enter for that as well!

Contests can be a powerful way to grow your business. If you want to really boost customer awareness, increase your sales, and get some links back to your website, a Blog or Twitter contest just might be for you!

Friday, February 27, 2009


You may have heard of a new T.V. show called “Lie to Me” that has recently started airing on FOX. I have watched several episodes of the show and I really enjoy it. If you have not had a chance to watch this show here, is a quick overview of what it is about. “Lie to Me” involves several specialists who are experts at detecting if someone is lying or not. These investigators are called in to investigate all types of situations where people are suspected of lying to cover something up. “Lie to Me” stars well known actor, Tim Roth.
The reason I mention this show in my blog post is to compare this show to Blackhat SEO. Like in the show “Lie to Me”, Blackhat SEO is a way that webmasters or search marketers try to deceive or lie to the search engines. But like in “Lie to Me”, search engine algorithms have learned how to detect lying or spamming websites. The algorithms are constantly being updated to look for new patterns or signs that a website is a spam site and then remove the spam site from the search results. They are so good at detecting spam now that many current blackhat techniques are not only going to get sites banned from the search engines but it is moving towards to outright illegal – Matt Cutts, PubCon 2008.
Like in the show “Lie to Me”, the lying website or spam website is going to get caught. So it is better to not try to deceive the search engines with blackhat techniques. Use legitimate optimization and internet marketing techniques that are approved by the search engines and avoid the inevitable consequences that come from trying to manipulate search rankings through blackhat SEO.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Let me tell you a story. Because my career finds its focus in the internet, I get asked a lot of questions about the internet in general, especially from family. Sometimes the questions are as simple as, “How can I create a family web site?” or “What’s this thing called ‘twitter’?” Others are more difficult, involving websites or promoting their latest business ventures. One relative, who went with another SEO firm for their website, asked me to review their rankings and reports (for the record, no one at this office understood computers, much less internet marketing). Being more than willing to help, I obliged. When I examined the “reports”, I was shocked. My own family was being ripped off.
Allow me to give you as much detail as possible without naming any of the involved parties. This particular SEO company operated by giving a large list of keywords to a client, and guaranteeing results on the first page of all major search engines (and even the forgotten search engines) for a certain percentage of those keywords. The SEO firm was so confident in their abilities that their contract required no payment until the client received first page rankings. Once this was achieved, the client was locked into paying fees for a full year. If you are familiar with the SEO industry, there should be a few red flags that jumped out at you with such a deal, particularly an SEO firm giving a guarantee of any sort. My relative had reached this threshhold and was now paying the fee as per the contract.
Nevertheless, I dove in to the keywords they selected for my relative’s site. At first glance, the list is rather substantial, and they all appeared to be relevant. I didn’t see any reports on traffic or searches, so I jumped onto Google’s keyword tool. Turns out the majority of the words were barely searched on at all. I researched further, looking into which keywords were actually ranking on the first page. No keyword with significant traffic was ranking. Not even one.
Just to be sure, I reviewed their analytics data. As expected, all of the keywords bringing in traffic were completely related to the name of the site. One or two other keywords brought in traffic, but it looked like a site with absolutely no SEO work completed. The frustrating part was this company claimed everything looked great, and the website optimization was showing success. Who would consider ranking for keywords that don’t bring in ANY traffic successful?
I kept researching. I asked who chose the keywords, thinking maybe the firm didn’t actually suggest the words. Nope. A few keywords were suggested, but the firm generated most of the list.
If you’re reading this post, wondering what the big deal is, let me refer to a post from Dave a few months back. His post brings to light the fact that ranking reports are losing their significance with search engine advances and that traffic should be the ultimate sign of progress. My relative’s website was receiving a grand total of approximately 10-20 visits daily. That is certainly not worth the cost of an SEO firm for a year.
To finish the story, my relative contacted the company with the information I had provided, and is now focusing on specific keywords that should be ranking. Even still, the sting of learning how their online marketing has been handled has caused my family member to consider switching firms, using as their primary SEO company. However, with the year long contract in place, they are trapped between a rock and a hard place, with no traffic to show for it.
Be careful when you select an SEO firm. Google has some great tips and advice regarding what to look for. I would add to their recommendations by learning as much SEO as possible. Understand what your firm is doing, and why it’s effective in bringing you more traffic and business. Make sure you are receiving beneficial reports with real data and request access to all your own accounts and information, such as websites, analtyics, PPC, etc.

Aspek Utama Penunjang SERP

Terlalu lama absen dari kontes SEO ternyata cukup merugikan, sebab, seperti yang pernah saya singgung pada posting sebelumnya, ada banyak sekali tehnik lama yang jika dipake untuk kontes sekarang ini tak lagi memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar. Sebagai contoh adalah blog commenting yg membabi buta tanpa memikirkan korelasi target dengan keyword. Coba ingat tehnik ini di masa lalu, sangat powerful bukan? Tetapi untuk masa sekarang, setidaknya menurut opini saya pribadi, kekuatanya sudah jauh berkurang. Lalu, yang menjadi pertanyaan, apa saja aspek utama penunjang bagus tidaknya SERP di mesin pencari? Jelas ada berbagai macam hal, namun lagi-lagi menurut pemikiran saya, domain, hosting, konten dan backlink berkwalitas adalah kuncinya. Entah kawan-kawan setuju atau tidak dengan pendapat tersebut, namun itulah hasil pengamatan saya sebulan terakhir ini.

Memang, aspek utama penunjang SERP diatas sepertinya hanya 4 point. Tapi jika mau mengupasnya satu persatu, pastilah ada banyak sekali sub point yang tersisa. Jadi tugasnya sekarang adalah, menganalisa sub point mana saja yg memiliki peranan penting sebagai faktor penunjang posisi kita di SERP. Sebagai eksperimen, belakangan ini saya mencoba mengoptimasi kata kunci kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di pandeglang dari subdomain, dan sampai tulisan ini saya buat, posisinya masih tertahan di peringkat 7. Tetapi, disini bukan soal pencapaian ini yang ingin saya sampaikan, melainkan tehnik apa saja yg saya gunakan hingga mencapai posisi itu.

Seperti kawan semua bisa cek pada entry kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di pandeglang tersebut, jumlah backlink nya adalah tidak seberapa jika dibanding dengan peserta lain, baik itu yg masuk ke posting maupun homepage. Ditambah lagi, blog tersebut tidak terawat dan juga jarang sekali diupdate. Namun, mengapa sejauh ini masih bisa bersaing? Didasarkan pada 4 aspek utama penunjang SERP datas, analisa saya adalah:

1. Domain, dimana dalam kasus ini adalah sub domain.

Meski hanya subdomain dari extensi dot net, umurnya blog tersebut sudah cukup lama, yakni lebih dari setahun.
2. Hosting

Walau itu adalah hosting USA gratis dari 000webhost, tetapi harus diakui jika kwalitasnya lumayan bagus untuk urusan SEO, sebab banyak dari SEOs yg saya temui juga memakai hosting gratisan tersebut dengan hasil yg tidak mengecewakan.
3. Konten

Unik konten dan konten yang nyambung dengan topik. Walau tulisanya amburadul, saya sangat yakin bahwa tulisan itu sudah nyambung dan juga unik karena saya sendiripun bingung untuk memahaminya wekekeke…, dan untuk yang terakhir
4. Backlink

Dengan semaksimal mungkin, saya hanya mencari backlink yg minimal menggunakan 1 bahasa, berlainan IP dengan target, memiliki kemiripan niche, dan punya pagerank. Pencarian backlink secara frontal seperti jaman KDPI2009 dulu sengaja saya hindari karena efektifitasnya sudah jauh berkurang.

Tentu, jika ingin mendapat hasil maksimal, kondisi saya diatas masih sangat tidak menguntungkan. Sebab, untuk urusan hosting, sudah mentok tidak bisa bisa dipindah ke IIX (hosting lokal) karena embedded dengan subdomain yg juga gratisan dari sana. Selain itu, extensi dot net tempat kopaja bernaung, juga tak bisa diganggu gugat. Jadi, bayangkan jika 4 aspek utama penunjang SERP diatas bisa terpenuhi semua, sungguh luar biasa bukan?

Okeh, ini hanya berdasar pengalaman pribadi saya saja, jika ada master seo atau konsultan seo yg merasa keberatan, monggo dikoreksi. Thank you.

PS: Saya sengaja mengoptimasi kopaja bukan untuk sok2an atau untuk mencari alibi jika akhirnya nanti kalah. Ini murni demi pembelajaran bagi saya sendiri. Harap maklum. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Having been in this industry for many years now I have learned that the internet marketing industry is always changing and it is virtually impossible to know everything about search engine optimization (SEO). Technology is always advancing, search engines are always updating their algorithms and an SEO specialist has to constantly being studying to stay on top of the changes.
One thing that seems to stay constant in this ever changing industry is the basics of site optimization. By basics I am talking about the same things that were part of SEO over four years ago and still are today. These things can be separated into two categories; On-Site Optimization and Off-Site Optimization.
On-Site Optimization:
On-site optimization is exactly that, it is the process of optimizing site layout and site content to target specific search terms for improved search engine rankings. This process involves placing targeted search terms in specific places on the pages of the website in order for search engine spiders to crawl and rank the page for those targeted search terms. These places include…
The page title or title tag
In the Meta Description tag
In the Page heading and sub headings using H1, H2, H3 tag
In the body content of the page
In Alt attributes of images
In the Anchor Text of any links that point to that page
From my own experience I have found that when targeted search terms are located in these areas the web page will generally see improved rankings in the searches for the targeted search terms.
On-site optimization also involves making sure the site structure and navigation is search engine friendly. This means that every page on the site is going to be able to be crawled by a search engine spider and be able to be indexed by the search engines. To do this the site needs to keep all pages less than 3 pages deep. So if I was navigating the site I should not have to click more than 2 links to find any page inside the website. Every page should also be able to be reached through an html text link. This is so that spiders can reach every page of the site since spiders cannot always crawl fancy buttons and flash links. On larger websites the use of a sitemap can be very helpful in making sure that all pages can be crawled and indexed by search engine spiders.
Off-Site Optimization:
Off-site optimization is the process of building up the link popularity of a site by getting other sites to link to it. Inbound links have a big role in how well a site is indexed and how well it ranks in the search engines. Inbound links allow for search engine bots to find the site, index its pages and rank it. Bots use the anchor text of inbound links to help determine what search terms the site should be ranking for. Below, I have listed a few ways to get inbound links…
Web Directories – Submit to both paid and free directories.
Reciprocal Links – Exchange links with sites that offer relevant content.
Articles – Write articles about products or services offered on the website and submit the articles to various article publishing sites on the web. Be sure to include a link to the product or service on your site.
Press Releases (PR) – Similar to writing articles. Press releases can be submitted to places like PRweb and PRleap. They then can be picked up by other news sites including Google news and Yahoo.
Remember that inbound links should be from sites that contain relevant content. Always look at the quality of the site before exchanging links.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogger Sitemap Sitemap Generator Solutions Submit Your Blog

One way that your blog posts quickly lookups by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing is by sending your blog address sitemap. Kang Rohman first ever explained how to submit your blogger sitemap to google webmaster is on a post titled Google Sitemaps list. In the post explained that in order to submit a sitemap of your blog in blogger or blogspot is just to add atom.xml code at the end of your address, for example Kang Rohman blog address is as follows:

So sitemap address for registration to be like this:

If you use the service and then you switch feedburner feed address to the address provided by feed feedburner, then there will be a warning that you submit a sitemap has errors, the solution appears to be no error warning is to add the code. Suppose that experienced sitemap error is as follows:

So in order not to get an error message dar google webmaster tools submitted feeds address plus the added code? Redirect = false at the end of the feed address, for example:

Error message will usually missing or in other words been solved, but there is one other problem that is usually owned by the bloggers who use the machines is a blogger or blogspot URL lookups by google only slightly, although the posts have already reached the hundreds. Example of one of Kang Rohman blog has had 121 posts, but in the existing data on webmater, the URL is indexed by 20.


This question is a question often asked by the bloggers who use blogspot machine. Are you including those having this problem? If so, you please try this way.

The way to overcome errors in gogle webmaster sitemap is to use Blogger Sitemap Generator. By using our Blogger Sitemap Generator can create a sitemap for our blog and proved able to overcome his problems do not post our lookups.

My sitemap

Here's how to use Blogger Sitemap Generator:

1. Please visit

Input your blog address in the fields, do not forget to write the complete address of your blog (eg:, then click the Create button Blogger Sitemap.

blogger sitemap generator

Note the sitemap addresses that have been created or copy and paste in notepad or another, for example:

atom.xml? redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500


4. Click the links to make the ping to Bing and Yahoo.

To you who have more than 500 postings, the address must be submitted a sitemap which is more than one sitemap address, for example:

* Atom.xml? Redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500
* Atom.xml? Redirect = false & start-index = 501 & max-results = 500

For the next step, please log in to google webmaster tools sitemap to submit addresses that have been made earlier. If you do not have a google account, please list here first. The following steps more details:

1. Once you are on the dashboard google webmaster tools, please go blog where you'd like to submit sitemapnya.
2. Click on Site Configuration

site configuration
3. Click the Site Map (if English is the Sitemap)

site map
4. Click the Submit button Site Map (bahasa: Submit Sitemap). Copy and paste this address in the sitemap is created in blogger sitemap generator (atom.xml? Redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500), then click the Send button Site Map. For a blog post that has more than 500, please submit a sitemap return address and the next second.

send site map
5. Delivery Process or Submit Sitemap Sitemap been completed. Usually the new sitemap to be indexed by google you take up one day, please check back tomorrow if you just sitemap submit it has indexed or not.

Hopefully this way to make your blog sitemap faster in the index by google, and hopefully your blog visitors can be more increased from search engines.

Good luck!

Pengaruh Geo Targeted Hosting Terhadap SERP

Sejenak melakukan analisa terhadap kontes SDSA yang masih berlangsung, akhirnya bisa disimpulkan jika sampai saat ini, Geo Targeted hosting masih memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap SERP. Seperti kawan semua bisa lihat, pemuncak klasemen dan juga mayoritas blog yg berada di halaman pertama kontes SDSA adalah mereka yang menggunakan hosting lokal. Memang, ada sebagian seperti, bos Benny dan Mas Albri yg tetap exist walau menggunakan hosting US. Hanya saja, dengan situasi ini, tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, jelas peserta pengguna geo targeted hosting atau hosting yg sesuai dengan target lokasi dimana dalam kasus ini adalah hosting IIX (lokal), akan memiliki peluang lebih besar di banding yg lain.

Mengingat pengaruh geo targeted hosting terhadap SERP masih cukup besar, mungkin bagi teman-teman yg masih berkeinginan menaikkan posisi stop dreaming start action ataupun kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang boleh mencoba cara ini. Namun demikian, meski sudah menggunakan geo targeted hosting, jangan lupa untuk mengimbanginya dengan geo targeted backlink. Sebab, menurut opini pribadi saya, kedua hal tersebut masih sangat berkaitan walau entah mana yang paling berpengaruh untuk menentukan SERP. Sementara untuk prakteknya, semua dah pada punya trik sendiri bukan? So, good luck dan semoga selalu menang dalam setiap kompetisi keyword, baik dalam kontes SEO ataupun dalam keyword harian. :mrgre

Saturday, February 21, 2009


If you can guess what the following terms all have in common, I’ll give you $25 via Paypal, no questions asked. Just leave your comment at the end of this post. This is not open to current employees of Here they go:
SEO, Jobs, Careers, Linkbuilding (I’ll tell you the answer in my next blog post, which will be a humdinger)
My post is actually about DMOZ, and the things I wished that they did differently.
First of all, I wish DMOZ was a paid listing site. Why? For the mere fact that if they required payment, then in return, they would be required to at least have a little bit of customer service. I would either get a ‘Yes, your site is accepted’ or a ‘No, your site sucks and sells Viagra’. Right now, you get nothing from these guys in terms of a response.
Secondly, I wish DMOZ wasn’t so hyped up by everyone and their dog. Yes, DMOZ would be the bees knees and the cat’s meow in anyone’s review of free directories. But as a source of authority and link value, there are hundreds of other free sites that provide the same, or more, authority and link value. Also, Google really shouldn’t use your DMOZ listing title as the title of your site in search results pages. That’s just plain wrong.
Thirdly, if DMOZ stays in their ‘free directory’ model, then they should really either accept more editors, or kick their current editors in the face. I mean honestly, I don’t know how many legitimate sites I’ve submitted to DMOZ, only to sit and twiddle my thumbs and 6 months later, still no listing. I don’t know what the review process is for sites to be accepted, but I’ve got to imagine they get tons of submissions every day, and the editors have to really stay on top of those sites. I currently run a few directories that get multiple submissions every day, and it takes about 5 seconds to tell if a site is relevant to the category it was submitted to, and if it’s spammy or not.
Fourthly, I wish DMOZ would come out with the definitive guide to getting listed in their directory. Specific things such as ‘When submitting, record yourself licking your nose while singing the National anthem, and upload to Youtube, then you’re guaranteed to get in (oh, and no Viagra)’. It would probably save the editors time if they just wrote down all the guidelines, and then went through the checklist, and deleted all the sites that didn’t meet the criteria. For you Naysayers claiming, ‘The current guidelines of DMOZ are fine’. Well I disagree. If they’re just fine, then why don’t all my sites get accepted? They all meet the current criteria.
Fifthly, if you’re actually looking for SEO, Jobs, Careers, or Linkbuilding, just click on the respective links I just used.
Lastly, if you would like to join in the effort to help DMOZ become better, you can send me an email at, and I won’t respond to you, or even let you know that you matter at all, because I’m an editor at, the greatest site in the world.
Honestly, if this blog post does happen to elicit a response from anyone at DMOZ, then I think the world would be a better place. We’ll see what happens. And I will continue to submit my clients’ sites to DMOZ because hey, why not?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tips SEO Paling Berhasil

Banyak rekan blogger yang mencari cara menaikkan peringkat pada Seach Engine atau paling tidak, masuk kedalam list pencarian Search Engine. Berbagai Tips SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dicoba. Berbagai petunjuk cespleng telah dilakukan. Kadang, berbagai proses improvement ini justru melupakan satu hal mendasar, yaitu perbanyak content blog anda.

Tips SEO tidak ada masalah dicoba dan dijalankan, namun, tanpa isi blog yang variatif, tips SEO semanjur apapun akan berkurang khasiatnya. Bagi rekan-rekan yang baru memulai membuat blog atau mencari cara terindeks oleh Search Engine, cobalah perbanyak isi blog.

Jangan bebani dulu dengan membuat blog yang berkonsentrasi pada satu niche market. Pada spesialisasi tertentu. Spesialisasi atau konsentrasi pada niche market memang bagus, namun, jika tidak terbiasa menulis, hal ini justru bisa membebani kegiatan menulis isi blog.

Tulis saja apa yang ingin anda tulis, meski itu sepertinya narsis dan terasa 'sangat pemula'.

Rekan-rekan yang menyempatkan diri melihat catatan pengunjung blog kadang menemukan data bahwa pengunjung belum tentu datang karena isi yang khusus melainkan karena isi yang selintas saja. Banyak rekan yang blognya dikunjungi hanya karena pernah ada satu posting tentang MP3. Ada juga yang dikunjungi karena pernah menulis tips anti virus. Blog saya sendiri pernah dikunjungi melalui search engine dengan key "poligami" padahal artikel tentang poligami hanya 1 posting dan itupun berupa humor. Beberapa pengunjung malah datang dengan kata kunci pencarian "ikan air tawar" hanya karena ada entry tentang ikan air tawar raksasa di blog saya :-).

Yang lebih aneh, ada pengunjung blog saya yang datang dari seach engine dengan kata kunci "skripsi kasus kecelakaan lalulintas". Saya tidak pernah menulis tentang kecelakaan lalulintas kok. Kemungkinan besar pengunjung datang karena kata kunci "skripsi"-nya.

Jadi, sebelum melakukan teknik SEO yang canggih, lakukan dulu hal mendasar dari SEO, yaitu membuat isi blog yang variatif. Jika blog anda hanya berisi puluhan atau bahkan belasan artikel saja, Search Engine tentu cepat bosan dan malas untuk datang, apalagi kalau posting yang ada justru copy paste dari blog atau website lain...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mempercantik SEO Dengan Sentuhan CSS

Pekerjaan untuk mengoptimasi keywords atau yg biasa kita kenal dengan SEO memang cukup menarik. Sayangnya, terkadang jika kita terlalu over melakukan semua optimasi tadi, kita sampai lupa dengan kenyamanan para pembaca atau pengunjung. Ada beberapa kasus dimana seorang blogger menggunakan BOLD, STRONG, EM dan ITALIC secara berlebihan pada keyword yang di bidik, termasuk saya sendiri. Akibatnya, para pengunjung akan merasa cukup terganggu dengan pengoptimasian seperti itu tadi. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut tanpa harus melupakan optimasi SEO yang kita buat, sebenarnya kita bisa mempercantik SEO dengan sentuhan CSS yang sederhana.

Maka dari itu, kali ini perkenankan saya berbagi tips cara mempercantik SEO dengan sentuhan CSS supaya tetap SEO friendly dan juga visitor friendly. Langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk mempercantik tampilan artikel yang kita buat adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Buka style.css dari theme anda.
2. Tambahkan kode css di bawah ini dimana saja, atau jika memungkinkan, masukkan di sekitar .post.

.post em, u, b, strong {
font-style: normal;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: normal;
3. Save style.css anda dan selesai.

Setelah itu, lihat apa hasil dari penambahan kode di atas, saya yakin semua keywords yang di buat BOLD, STRONG, EM dan ITALIC akan terlihat seperti tulisan normal. Dengan tehnik mempercantik seperti ini, di jamin usaha SEO kita tetap jalan, namun kenyamanan pembaca pun tetap terjaga.

Oh iya, cara di atas berlaku untuk para pengguna wordpress. Bagi para pengguna blogspot, bisa saja menggunakan cara itu, namun tidak semua template bisa match dengan kode di atas. Silahkan di oprek sendiri-sendiri :mrgreen:

Akhir kata, semoga bermanfaat dan saya ucapkan selamat berjuang bagi para peserta Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner maupun kontes Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa, walau saya ndak ikutan kompetisi tersebut, tapi saya tetap mengikuti perkembanganya kok xixixi… :lol:
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